Minggu, 02 April 2017

Bondan Dance

This dance is a traditional dance of Central Java, which describes the love of a mother to her child. His name dalah Bonda Dance.

Do Tari Bondan it?

Bondan Dance is a traditional dance that describes the love of a mother to her child. The dance is a traditional dance that originated from Surakarta, Central Java. Which is characteristic of this Bondan Dance is property that is in use, the paper umbrella, kendil and baby doll in carrying dancers.Historically, this Bonda Dance is a dance that must be played by the development of the village to show his true identity. With this dance it will be seen how their time to be a mother and caring for their child. So that as women are not only flawless but also must be caring, compassionate and protective of her.Tari Bondan have 3 types of dances that Cindogo Bonda Dance, Dance and Dance Bondan Bondan Mardisiwi Mountains / Dance Bondan Tani. Each type Dance Bonda has its own characteristics, including the stories in dance, property that is in use, and the costumes are in use. But still not leave the dance depicting the original is about love of a mother to her child. Especially for Cindogo Bonda Dance tells a mother's love for her child, but the child who loved the deceased. Can say Tari Bondan more nuanced cindogo sad.In the show, the dancers danced with Dance Bondan holding a baby doll with one hand while his other hand holding a paper umbrella. In Tari Bondan generally have the implied meaning in every movement. One scene that characterizes is when the dancers dance on a kendil. At the scene of the dancers must keep their balance on top kendil so kendil dipijak not broken. Besides the dancers must dance on kendil while mememutar - rolling kendil are trampled and play they carry umbrellas.For Bonda Dance performances by dance Mountains differ slightly bondan cindogo and mardisiwi. In the show, Dance Bonda women describe Mountains village in the mountains or the village peasants in fields or farm work. After dancing using the farmer equipment dancers bertaninya undress and change clothes in use in Tari Bondan. Then the dancers dance with other Bonda Dance movement.In Bonda Dance performances are usually accompanied by the musical accompaniment. At the beginning of this dance is accompanied by song dolanan, but in its development of this dance is accompanied by a complete gending. In the show, the dancers Tari Bondan in the dressing dressed like wiron cloth, crown, camisole clothes and wear At the top of the bun. But for Dance Bondan initially used clothes mountain village girl.Property that is used in this dance generally use paper umbrella and a baby doll. In Tari Bondan cindogo usually use kendil in the dance, but to Tari Bondan mardisiwi usually do not use kendil in the dance. In addition to Tari Bondan mountains usually begins using that in the carrying basket, farm implements, and wearing a hat on his head. But after dancing using the tool bertaninya then the dancers take off our clothes and hat farmer, then input into the basket and replace with other Bonda Dance property.

In this Bonda Dance not only have value - artistic value but also the moral values ​​which we can learn in it. So it must remain on guard and preserve that is not lost along with the changing times. This dance is already rare in the show, but still we can meet in a variety of cultural festivals in order to introduce the traditional arts in Central Java, especially in Surakarta as the area of ​​origin.

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