Minggu, 02 April 2017

Gandrung Dance (Infatuated Dance)

Hasil gambar untuk Tari Gandrung
By Indonesian Wonderful

Infatuated dance is a performing arts dance that originated from Banyuwangi, East Java. This dance appears as the embodiment of public gratitude after each harvest. Infatuated still one genre with Tap Tilu from West Java, Central Java and Tayub from the western part of East Java, Lengger of Banyumas and Joged tube of Bali. Dominated art form of dance with this distinctive orchestration popular in Banyuwangi region located on the eastern tip of the island of Java. Because of the popularity, has become the hallmark of the region. Nothing wrong Banyuwangi always identified with the infatuated. See it at different angles Banyuwangi region will often many sculptures dancer infatuated.
The dance is accompanied by music played by a female professional dancer who danced with the guests, especially men in pairs. Musical accompaniment was a typical blend of Javanese and Balinese culture. While the accompanying music equipment consists of a gong, kluncing, violin, drums, and a pair of kethuk. Sometimes interspersed with saron Bali, angklung, or tambourine as a form of creation and accompaniment electone.Gandrung often performed at various events, such as marriage, pethik sea, circumcision, seventeen and events of other formal and informal, both in Banyuwangi and other areas. According to custom, the full performances starting around 21:00 and lasted until dawn.

Hasil gambar untuk tari gandrung jawa tengah
By Sandra's Project

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