Minggu, 02 April 2017

Sintren Traditional Dance

Sintren Traditional Dance Of  Central  Java

Central Java, Nusantara Art, Traditional DancesThis dance is a traditional dance classics from central Java. His name is Sintren Dance.

By Negeriku Indonesia

Is that Sintren Dance? Sintren dance is one of the traditional dances that come from the north coast of Central Java coast and west Java. in addition to the dance movement, dance is also famous mystical element in it because of their special ritual for pemangilan spirits or gods. Sintren dance is scattered in several places in Central Java and West Java in Cirebon, Majalengka, Indramayu, Brebes, Pemalang, Pekalongan and Banyumas.Historically, this dance originated from Raden Sulandono and Sulasih romance that did not get the blessing of the parents Raden Sulandono. So Raden Sulandono instructed by her mother to be imprisoned and given a piece of cloth as a means to meet Sulasih later after the completion of his hermitage. While Sulasih ordered to become dancers in each village clean event that is held as a condition to meet Raden Sulandono.When folk performances are held to enliven the village clean, that's when Sulasih dancing as part of the show. That night during a full moon, Raden Sulandono came down from his hermitage by means of hiding while carrying cloth given by her mother. At the time Sulasih dancing, he was in the power of the Goddess Rantamsari rasuki so trance. Seeing as it was Raden Sulandono throws the cloth so that Sulasih fainted. With the strength of which is owned by Prince Sulandono, then Sulasih can be taken away and both make dreams - his to unite in love. Since then designations Sintren and balangan emerged as a forerunner of this Sintren Dance. Sintren term is the current state of trance or trance dancers experience. And the term Balangan is currently Sulandono throws Raden fabric that is given by his mother.In Sintren dance performance usually begins with Dupan, namely ritual praying together to invoke protection from danger to the Lord during the show. There are some parts in the dance performance Sintren namely Plenary, Balangan and Temohan. At the plenary part is the part where the handler prepares a Sintren that will be made by accompanied by four players as a Lady. Originally a dancer who made Sintren still wearing ordinary clothes. In this section begins with a chant by putting both hands prospective dancers Sintren above the smoke of incense, after the dancer tied with a rope around his body. Then prospective dancers Sintren inserted into the chicken cage along with clothing and supplies dressing her. Once finished it will be marked with kurngan shaking and confinement will be open. The Sintren dancers are ready to dance.

By Negeriku Indonesia

At the moment the audience Balangan is throwing something towards dancers Sintren. When the dancers hit by it then the dancer Sintren going to faint. Then the handler approached the dancers fainted and chant and rubbed her face so that the spirit dancers angel came again and continue dancing. Viewers who threw earlier are allowed to dance with the dancers Sintren. In Temohan part is the part where the dancers Sintren with a tray approaching the crowd to ask for a gesture of thanks to the money seiklasnya. To be a dancer Sintren there are several requirements that must have prospective dancers, mainly as a dancer Sintren should a girl or still virgin because Sintren dancers must be in a state of purity. Besides the dancers Sintren enjoined to fast beforehand, so that the dancer's body remains in a state of purity and behaved herself not to sin and fornicate. So it can be difficult for Ataun spirit god who will enter his body.In the show, Clothing used by dancer Sintren is clothing show, namely sleeveless commonly used in the puppet dance. At the bottom usually use cloth cinde jarit and pants. For the head usually used diadem, namely ornament garlands of jasmine on the right side and koncer in the left ear. Accessories are used usually are belt, sampur, socks and black / white. In addition it also as a characteristic of a dancer Sintren are sunglasses that functions as a blindfold. Because Sintren dancers always closed my eyes as trance or trance, but it is also as beautify penampilan.Dalam Sintren Dance performances are also accompanied by musical instruments like Gending. And accompanied by Javanese songs. However, at this time the instruments used are modern instruments such as orchestra. 

During its development, Dancing Sintren started sinking line with the times. This dance is rarely in the show, even in the area of origin. Along with the development, Dancing Sintren been many changes to the original form. Many creations in order to add this dance looks interesting. This dance is a dance that is rare and seldom found. Apart from the artistic dance also has value - the value that we can learn in it. This Sintren dance we must preserve and maintain its existence as a cultural heritage of our nation.

By Negeriku Indonesia

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