Minggu, 02 April 2017

Traditional Weapons

Traditional Weapons in Central Java

Weapons premier Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region in a manner almost identical outline, only differentiate morphology, shape and ornament of the traditional weapon, the keris.
Starting from ancient times, a dagger always be a symbol of the ability, either for men or women. In essence, a dagger together with other traditional weapons. Sharp-edged and used to cut, stab, or slicing. At the moment then, the keris is also used also as a symbol of self-identity, whether it is for yourself, family, or clan. Keris someone is not the same king with a dagger officer or servant of the subordinates.
Not just a dagger blades are not the same, but also details of its complementary jewelry is not the same device.


Keris has been made by some of the masters of the keris maker started since time immemorial. The combination of the steel material by meteorites, with wrought-folding techniques, make it physical beauty kris formed.
In the keris world, in the familiar sense of prestige daden. Daden namely the prestige or the prestige of the "light" which is formed by a spontaneous, without any engineering the master keris. According to experiments carried out, a dagger generally have a high radioactivity, because it requires a way to neutralize them.
One of the ways to neutralize the radiation hazards by bolstering kerisses plan into specific timber. The wood that is commonly used is wood Timoho, Trembalu, Sandalwood, Awar-awar, Galina tamarind, Liwung, or ivory
Beyond that, there is also the sense of prestige partner or artificial prestige. Prestige of a partner that is when started from the beginning of keris, the master kris want "light" the specifics of the dagger.
Characteristic of keris Solo, generally has a lot of accessories diamond studded gold and framed sandalwood fragrance. In a traditional Javanese culture keris is not simply calculated as well as traditional weapons that have the peculiarities of form and prominence.
Kris style Yogyakarta Solo referred ladrang being named branggah Ladrang have gills (sheath) that is more streamlined and simple without a lot of frills due to follow style senopatenan and Mataram sultans greatness. Shortly kris Solo (Ladrang) on ​​the blade more ornaments and shapes and motifs fill flavor because of the MPU Brojoguno Madura. Kris carving solo has a finer texture than in Yogyakarta. Also there was inequality of the handle of a dagger, luk, and so forth. Semasing have their own philosophy.

Traditional Weapons Kasunan Surakarta Hadiningratan

The view outside the palace describes as a weapon heirloom also shaped sacred. Being in the context of Surakarta Sultanate, meaning interpreted heritage as well as relics of the ancestral palace inherited the hereditary way in the King at the very beginning to the king afterwards.

So, which is the heritage not only in the form of weapons, but other objects that have their own meaning to the palace. However, in this context, would be a little discussed regarding inheritance possessed weapons of Surakarta Sultanate. 
Surakarta Sultanate has various types of weapons inheritance until now still being treated well. Most types of heirloom weapons in Surakarta Sultanate such as kris, spears, swords, trident, a rod of iron cannons, etc. Palace heirloom weapons were believed to put a magical sense to have the ability to have influence or prestige, and was calculated as well as sacred objects that need to be respected.

Kudhi for people Banyumas is a versatile tool among the benefits, with the exception of a sharp weapon that used to make self-protection from the dangers that terrorized. As well as a sub-culture of the people of Java, people Banyumas (and like most people of Java) in daily life always wear symbols or symbols. Emblem or symbols that can be objects, writing, speech or ceremony and arts, one of which Kudhi. Kudhi which was calculated to have linuwih power is only used as well as weapons talisman. Because this kind kudhi not often and it is hard to come by. People often call with Kudhi Banyumas Trancang

There are many types of kudhi in the Banyumas General Kudhi or often used for all interests. Kudhi has a length of 40 cm and a width of 12 cm. Then Kudhi glue, kudhi yan at the edges as if the form of fish glue. The smaller size of approximately 30 cm in length and 10 cm wide. This Kudhi role is to make booths as well as a fence. As well as the most recently Kudhi scythes, sickles that type in the middle has Weteng (abdomen). This type can be used among others for the sake of gathering firewood, browse (look for leaves) or for nderes (searching sap). Kudhi size is approximately 35 cm in length and 10 cm in width stomach.


Kudhi meaning of sections divided into; end side, stomach, tartar and handles. The portions were not just play a role as well as cutting tools per se, but is a reflection of the character of the actual Banyumas. Mean when we refer by way of part-perbagian. The tip that egalitarian values ​​that exist in the Banyumas, in all forms of culture. This sort of thing is shown in the same form kudhi end also with weapons such as machetes, swords and the like from other regions. The shape of the abdomen provides that human life is not just to fill the mere lust but there are things more important that strive and work. Kudhi abdominal strength is great to be able to finish the job heavy-weights such as splitting or cutting a large object. Karah here represents that the display (read: the material) in fact can not be made as well as bad reference someone's good character. This sort of thing is not entirely intended that a good tartar and carved abdomen and will have a sharp edge (read: good). Average grip handles are where people live Banyumas in response to a definite must have faith.

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