Minggu, 02 April 2017


Hasil gambar untuk orang jawa tengah kartun

The majority of people in Central Java is Javanese. Central Java is known as the cultural center of Java, where in Surakarta and Yogyakarta are central Java royal palace that still stands today.A significant minority are the Chinese, especially in urban areas although in rural areas were also found. In general, they are engaged in trade and services. Chinese community has been mixed with Javanese, and many of those who use the Java language with a thick accent daily. We can feel the strong influence while in the city of Semarang and Lasem city located in the northeast corner of Central Java, even Lasem nicknamed Le Petit Chinois or Small Chinese City.Also in some major cities in Central Java also found Arabic-Indonesian community. Similar to the Chinese community, they are usually engaged in trade and services.On the border with West Java, there are also people who will be full Sundanese Sundanese culture, especially in the area of ​​Cilacap, Brebes and Banyumas. In the interior of Blora (the border with the province of East Java) there Samin isolated communities, the case is almost the same as the Baduy in Banten.

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