Jumat, 17 Maret 2017

Traditional House

Joglo, Home Padepokan Central Java

Central Java is one of the important provinces in Java. Apart from the bustle of the economy, this province is also famous for its cultural elements still awake. One of the heritage that became interested in this province is Joglo. What Joglo it? Essentially Joglo is the name for the custom house in Central Java. The building is charming studied, both in terms of historical and architectural loaded with philosophical value Javanese.Joglo And Elements buildersIt is interesting to examine this traditional house in Central Java because we will directly intersect with the noble values. So, Joglo not just residential. More than that, he is a symbol. Consider just a framework that form the pillar of his house. If observed, there are four main pillars that became the main support of the home. The main mast, each representing the wind direction, the west-north-south-east. In more detail, in the pillar there is what is known as intercropping arranged with the inverted pattern of the pillar.If parts dissected, then the custom house in Central Java consists of several parts, namely pendhopo, pringgitan and also omah ndalem / omah njero. What is meant by Pendhopo is part Joglo commonly used to entertain the guests. Meanwhile, Pringgitan itself is part of the living room are commonly used to receive guests closer. Meanwhile, known as Ndalem or Omah Omah Njero is the space where the family usually chatting. The family room is also subdivided into several rooms (room / senthong), namely senthong center, right and left.

Not only the division of space, some features Joglo also symbolizes the philosophical value. Call it part of the door Joglo totaling three. The main door in the middle, and the other door is on both sides (right and left) rumah.Tata door layout is not arbitrary. He symbolizes the butterfly emerging and struggling in a big family.Moreover, in Joglo also known as a special room named Gedongan. He serves as a place of refuge, where the head of a family looking for inner hands, places of worship and many other sacred activities. In some homes Joglo, Gedongan multirangkap used as a break room or bedroom. At other times, it can also be converted as the bridal chamber newly married.

Social Status Symbol
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Just like a traditional house in other areas, Joglo can also be used as a reference to measure a person's social status. Although recognized as a traditional house in Central Java, but not all of the people or the people of Central Java have this house. Why? Because even though it looks quite simple, but the complexity of raw materials and the manufacturing process to make Joglo development costs as well as time abundant. Previously, only the aristocracy and royalty who have this apin house. Now, they are not noble but wealthy could build houses elegant and classic.Joglo as traditional houses are known to have a design that is not arbitrary. Design of the structure is then narrowed to the division Joglo house itself, among others:

  1. Joglo Pangrawit.
  2. Joglo Jompongan.
  3. Joglo Limasan jokes.
  4. Joglo Semar Tinandhu.
  5. Joglo Mangkurat.
  6. Joglo Sinom.
  7. Joglo Hageng.
Therefore, a high sense of art is reflected from the Central Javanese traditional house, do not be surprised if he became one of the cultural assets that are required to be preserved from one generation to the next generation.

Hasil gambar untuk Rumah Padepokan Jawa Tengah https

Joglo parts, namely:

Gandok tengen.
Gandok Kiwo.

Pendapa part is the very front Joglo has a large room with no barriers, normally used as a meeting place for large events for the residents. Such as leather puppet show, dance, gamelan and others. At the time there was a celebration event usually as a great guest. There is usually a pillar of the verandah, a cornerstone of winches, and intercropping.
Pringgitan section is part of a link between the hall and the royal house. This section with a verandah usually be limited by Seketsel and the palace is restricted by gebyok. Pringgitan normally function as part of the living room.
Dalem section is part of a family recreation. Parts of the room that are more privacy.

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