Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

History Of Semarang As VOC

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VOC in 1708 moved the government of North-East Coast of Java from Jepara to Semaranag. Since then Semarang is the most important city for VOCs after Batavia. In the same year the fortress that is developed into a fortress bigger with five bastions. In the first half of the 18th century European societies multiply so built another settlement outside the fortress walls VOC. When Semarang from 1741 until 1743 was surrounded by Chinese uprising of the people and the soldiers Mataram, around the settlement is mounted a defense embankment of wood. After the end of the siege, the VOC decided to dismantle the castle and build new fortifications, bastions, three gate entrances and a canal around European settlement. Thus the old city of Europe which are now getting its shape. For the most parts of the city inhabited by people of China and the natives should be dismantled. Native region and then rebuilt in the same place, while Chinatown is moved by the VOC to bend on the west side of the Semarang (Chinatown is now). In 1743 was appointed a governor of the North-East Coast of Java. In addition it also established judicial institutions and autonomous military.
In the second half of the 18th century became an important port Semarang VOC, from here rice, timber, cotton and coffee exports. As in Batavia, the rich Europeans began inhabiting the large villas and luxury outside the city far from the old city of Europe are solid. Villa Zigtrijk which was built in 1760 by the Governor Nicolaas Hartingh a first major European villa. On the right side of the road from the villa to the city's old Europe (formerly Bodjong, now Jl. Pemuda) after 1800 appeared the houses of Europe in an open Indies style.

Semarang is a port city that is not so great with an interesting history. In the old city center can be found former VOC town and Chinatown 18th century are still preserved, even in the best conditions in Indonesia. The origin of Semarang can be traced to the 15th century. The town is born as an independent maritime city under the leadership of a Muslim king and then became the gateway to the kingdom of Mataram in the interior of Java. In the second half of the 17th century VOC took over this city, which is then used as the central government of the North-East Coast region of Java. When it serves as the city of Semarang in Java after a second VOC Batavia.In the 19th century developed into the port of export Semarang plantation crops of interior of Central Java. After 1900, together with other cities in Java, this modern colonial city was born. Semarang is the pioneer village and housing improvement program mnurah Dutch East Indies and a colonial city first to carry out a planned urban expansion on a large scale.Currently, some of the old city of Semarang face flooding problems, which is the impact of drainage and subsidence in coastal areas, so that the tide is getting deeper into the mainland, and excessive development in the hills around the city, thereby disrupting the function of the natural catchment rainwater. Until now has not found solutions to this problem.

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